The Christian Transformation department is responsible for establishing a sound School Transformation Committee (STC) to drive the transformation of the school as a whole business, yet Christ-centered. Train school leaders and children on Christian values and how to integrate biblical principles into the daily lessons of the school life.



School Transformation Committee (STC)

It is a concerted effort of all stakeholders of the school to make the transformation a whole school business. This training therefore offers proprietors the opportunity to learn how to engage the help of the school stakeholders.

School Chaplaincy Enhancement Training (SCET I & II)

A 2-day training to enhance school leaders’ and teachers’ capacities in their school Christian activities and in the formation and running of discipleship clubs.

Biblical Integration Skills Training (BIST)

A 2-day training for proprietors and teachers on how to practically integrate biblical principles into the school curriculum.

Evangelism and Discipleship Camps (EnD Camp – Youth Leadership Conference)

An annual camp meeting of Teachers and Students of selected schools to delve deeper on youth leadership, Christian growth, evangelism, discipleship, etc.

Discipleship Club Bible Quiz Competitions

An awarded annual community level, regional and national level bible quiz competition on discipleship club lessons undertaken through the year.

School Visits & Follow-ups

Christian Transformation Training Officers and Field Officers visit schools regularly to follow up on the implementation of lessons and coach Discipleship Club leaders in the schools.