Teaching and Learning in modern times largely employs the use of technology in the classrooms to achieve learning outcomes. This Education Technology department is responsible for identifying and providing educational technology solutions and strategies to be integrated into the classrooms for effective and quality learning.


CLASS – Computer Lab Access for Sustainable Schools

The CLASS project is the acquisition of computer labs by schools either through financial assistance from Microfinance partners (CCML and SAT) or self-financed. The computers are installed with educational software for teaching and learning.

SMILE – Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment

This is a learning management system that focuses on promoting critical thinking skills through student-generated inquiries. It involves the use of a device called SMILE plug. Students create series of questions and are rated by their teachers or other students. The SMILE web portal contains other educational applications and materials.

Edify Early Grade Reading Project (EEGRP)

Also aimed at improving literacy among students, story books and text books are made available on kindles for usage in interested Edify partner schools to be used in teaching and learning. Students in E-reader schools get the opportunity to participate in Reading Festivals, Fenton’s Debate Project, E-book Challenges etc. taking home with them prices and souvenirs.

EICT: Edify Innovation for Computational Thinking

While not every child will grow to become a programmer, our aim for this project is to help students understand how computers work and how to apply knowledge from programming to solve real-life challenges and situations, creating opportunities for them in the future.


Schools with the interventions above have access to the following activities;

Edify Educational Technology Conference (EETC)

EETC is held annually for both proprietors and teachers to share new trends in educational technology and its integration in instructional lessons

EICT: Edify Innovation for Computational Thinking

This is a literacy development program which facilitates the creation, development, and gathering of 1001 empowering stories from children in every locality where we work.

Edify Crane’s Typing Project

This is a national skill development program aimed at encouraging students to type at high speed and accuracy from any technological device.

Tiger Innovation and Coding Camp

This is a skills development project dedicated to equipping students with the skills of coding.

Edify Learning Communities (ELC)

The ELC is a community of learning for teachers in Edify technology partner schools. Teachers are introduced and assisted in new teaching methodologies and technology integration.

Computer Lab Maintenance, School Visits & Follow-Ups

Schools benefit from regular coaching visit from staff, free maintenance and support for their computer labs, E-readers and SMILE plugs at no cost.